Plimoth Patuxet has plans to construct a 1670 English house on the Museum grounds. Based on the fascinating story of Elizabeth Warren, an accomplished businesswoman in an age of men, this new exhibit invites guests to explore later-century events in Plymouth Colony during a period of significant change for the English and Native communities. Guests will be drawn into augmented storytelling experiences onsite and online.

Together, these educational programs and products (a reproduction circa 1670 house exhibit and its web-based supporting materials and learning guides) will transport today’s learners onsite and online and draw them into unfolding, multi-generational family sagas, including Massasoit’s family, as well as many other Mayflower families and colonists who arrived later. For many in classrooms across America, the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story ends at the First Thanksgiving, but in fact, change continued to sweep through 17th-century America, brought about by English and Native communities in constant interaction. Tens of thousands of colonists arrived to establish new towns, war raged between Native communities and English colonists, and the world was transformed by industrial, mercantile, religious and political upheaval.



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